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About CCDD

About CCDD

​​We are an independent, self-governing organization dedicated to advancing the inclusion of Kentuckians in all facets of community life. The Council is a part of 56 national State and Territory Councils on Developmental Disabilities, all federally funded and mandated to advocate and create systems change for people with developmental disabilities.

We have a Council of governor appointed members who have a developmental disablity or are the family member of someone with a developmental disability. Other members represent mandated state agencies who work on disabiltiy issues in Kentucky. The Council develops a Five Year State Plan to meet goals in advocacy, capacity building and creating change. Working from the Five Year State Plan, the Council provides grants and contracts for innovative and sustainable projects that empower Kentuckians with Developmental Disabilities and their families. We assist in training initiatives and public policy strategies to educate lawmakers and policymakers.

DD Network Logo.pngThe Council is a part of the Kentucky DD Network. The DD Network works together on projects and initiatives to improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families. Each state has a DD Network comprised of a DD Council, a Protection and Advocacy agency, and a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. In Kentucky, our network includes:

Kentucky Protection and Advocacy​, established in 1979, is independent of other service provider systems. P&A has over 25 employees, which includes support staff, advocates, and attorneys. The demand for representation from P&A exceeds financial resources and staff availability; therefore, priorities for case acceptance are set each fiscal year Protection and Advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities (PADD). The council assists and guides the priority selling the process. P&A holds public forums each year and solicits written comments from the public throughout the year. In addition, the agency provides information and referral, individual advocacy, systemic and legal advocacy, and education.

UKY HDI.pngThe Human Development Institute (HDI), a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service, focuses its efforts on improving lifelong opportunities and services for individuals with disabilities, their families and the community. The Institute provides a strong foundation for more than 30 research, training and service projects. HDI is a member institution of the Association of University Centers with Developmental and other disabilities, their families, and communities. Projects within the Institute address a wide range of topics and issues in the areas of Early Care and Education, School Age, Adult Services and Lifespan topics.

​DD Network Joint Statement on Civil Rights ​

Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities, the Human Development Institute along with Protection and Advocacy recognize that Kentuckians with disabilities have inherent legal, civil, and human rights that are not equally enforced. Individuals with disabilities are vulnerable to abuse, neglect, fraud, and long-term trauma. We envision a future where the rights of all individuals with disabilities are equally protected and enforced throughout the Commonwealth, thereby enhancing their quality of life.