Empowerment through Self-Advocacy
CCDD empowers Self-Advocates with training, awareness activities, and networking. By empowering persons with developmental disabilities and their families to both advocate for themselves and seek long-term solutions through systems change, CCDD creates an environment of self-sufficiency, self-determination, inclusion, and acceptance.
Current Self Advocate Initiatives
Kentucky Partners in Policymaking
The goal of Kentucky Partners in Policymaking (KPIP) is to accomplish productive partnerships between the people needing and utilizing services and those who form public policy. KPIP was founded on the belief that the most significant and lasting public policy decisions came from the efforts of those most affected by them, working together with public officials and policy experts. KPIP educates participants about present issues and best practices and teaches them about local, state and federal levels legislative processes of policymaking. The program sessions cover and are dedicated to specific topics presented by nationally known experts in their fields. Topics include History of Disabilities & Services, Inclusive Education, Kentucky’s Legislative Process, Social Engagement, Community Organizing, and Systems Change Advocacy. KPIP classes start annually and run for 9 months.
More information on the KPIP Program - Click Here or email Nicole Maher at nicole.maher@ky.gov
Exceptional Family Magazine
"Exceptional Family Ky," is a free statewide magazine that made its debut February 1, 2009, in time for the 874K Conference in Frankfort. This reader-friendly publication has one mission --Empowerment. This magazine offers compelling, first-person accounts by the true experts in the field -- the people experiencing these issues on the front lines. The magazine features stories that appeal to both self-advocates and family members. A statewide resource guide is published in every magazine.
Click the cover below to view the magazine online. If you have story ideas, would like to be included in the resource guide, or would like to subscribe to the magazine please contact: nicole.maher@ky.gov

If you are interested in future advocacy events,
please contact Nicole Maher- Nicole.Maher@ky.gov or 502-226-0784