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About CCDD

Funding Opportunities

NOFA Announcement

The Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities wishes to announce a Notice of Funds Available (NOFA). The purpose of the NOFA is to provide $169,830 of funding for applicants to develop a state wide advocacy organization that is run by Kentuckians with developmental disabilities.

To View in Detail and Apply: NOFA for Self-Advocacy Group
To apply for these funds, you must create an account in the DD Suite program. 12:31 PM 2/24/2025. All applications are due by April 1, 2025. 

All questions regarding these grant solicitations must be submitted by email to In order to answer questions about the NOFAs, CCDD will be publishing a FAQ each Monday during the application period. This ensures that all who apply have equal access to information. You can find the FAQ here: NOFA Q&A

Grants are provided to any 501(c) 3, state university or local/state government located and doing business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Grantees are expected to follow all applicable state and federal accounting policies and regulations filed by the Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet and as directed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Applicants must demonstrate a working knowledge of the project subject matter. Experience working with and advocating on behalf of people with developmental disabilities is preferred. Partnerships and programs must be in accordance with the mission and vision of the Council.

Recipients of federal funds are not allowed to use federal funding to lobby federal, state, or local officials to receive additional funding or influence legislation. Recipients are bound by the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act. Recipients shall complete reports as required by the CCDD at least quarterly or more as requested.
The CCDD strongly encourages organizations located in rural or urban poverty areas, employing staff with disabilities, and representing linguistic and cultural minorities to apply.

The selected applicant may be instructed to revise and resubmit its application prior to receiving the official notice of grant award. All proposals become the sole property of CCDD and may be used by the Council for future requests for proposals or projects.